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The Greatest Match Country of the World
Sweden is one of the Nordic countries that are in the limelight recently for designing refined furniture and lifestyle. Frankly speaking, there are only a few persons who know that Sweden is the greatest match country in the world. I think it is mysterious that the fact that Sweden has accomplished the large match industry and has been supplying matches to various countries in the world is hardly written in any books of guiding, of history, of nature of Sweden, and of industry in bookstores. Moreover, I wasn’t able to find single matchbox at the Swedish Product Booth of the Nordic Exhibition which was held at a department store in Ginza lately; so I asked about it at the Japanese-speaking information desk. However, not only none of the persons in charge knew about Swedish matches, but also they were amazed by the fact that Sweden was the largest match producer in the world. I, in a way, wondered if there were particular circumstances or reasons to hide the fact Sweden had been prosperous through the match industry since old times. I am also curious to know if Japanese department stores refrain from selling matches thinking they are out-dated items. Whatever it is, I wonder if the acknowledgment about Swedish Match is a trivial because there are no match description in books and no match displays at the Nordic Exhibition.The country named Sweden
What we know about Sweden is first of all, “The Country of Nobel Prize” founded based on the will of Alfred Nobel who invented dynamite, and then images of “welfare state”, “country of forests and lakes”, and “Kingdom of glasses” are recalled. In addition, though many are not aware, we owe Swedish people for inventions of refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, desk-top telephone, fastener, the pace-maker, seat belts, the mouse of personal computer, and the safety match, etc. The excellent body-shape bottle for the U.S.-made Coca-Cola was designed by a Swedish, too. As for companies, the world’s largest furniture chain store IKEA, the Volvo Car, SAAB, Ericsson of telecommunication equipments, and Hasselblad of the camera lens manufacturing are famous. The land in Sweden is 450,000 km2, which is 1.2 times larger than that of Japan, and 66% of the country is covered with the coniferous forests. The population is 9 million (the 84th in the world), which is very few compared with 130 million of Japan, and the Sweden’s population is at Kanagawa Prefecture and the Osaka Prefecture level.

The Match Museum
The Match Museum stands in Jonkoping, the largest town in Svealand Province outskirts of the big Vattern Lake, the second large lake in Sweden, in the southeast from capital Stockholm. In 1827, the friction match was invented by a British chemist John Walker using potassium chlorate and antimony sulfide on the burner side; and in 1844 John Edward Lundstrom and Carl Frans Lundstrom brothers in Sweden established a match factory in Jonkoping to manufacture lucifer matches. The lucifer match, which was quickly and widely used at the beginning of match industry period, was convenient as it was easily ignited, but at the same time it was dangerous because it started fire easily from slight friction and/or low temperature as well as yellow phosphorus toxicity that caused workers dreadful occupational disease, ‘the pocket poison gangrene,’ which became serious social issues.